Niamh Quillinan Haraki | Rheumatologist and Internal Physician
Niamh Quillinan Haraki

My name is Niamh (Quillinan) Harakis. I am a Rheumatologist and Internal Physician. Rheumatology is the field of medicine that manages arthritis and connective tissue diseases. I help people with many different types of joint problems and arthritis like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, lupus, osteoporosis, scleroderma, polymyosiits, fibromyalgia, polymyalgia rheumatica, vasculitis and many more. Internal Medicine is my other speciality. This is complementary to, but not the same as a GP or personal doctor. I see people who have more complicated problems that need investigation that a GP cannot organise (such as abnormal liver function or kidney tests without a specific cause, to name a few). In the past I also managed people who were admitted to hospital with acute problems, though I am not currently able to provide this service. I am working as part of the general health system/GESY and you can be referred to me by your personal doctor or can see me directly without referral if you wish.
+357 25359999 Office
+357 99698344 Mobile